Our Services

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Our Services

The Office, in addition to any other functions prescribed by or under the NMMA, 2007 performs the following:

  • Receive, consider and dispose applications for mineral titles and permits and applications for the transfer, renewal, modification and relinquishment of mineral titles or extension of areas;
  • Grant, issue, suspend and with the approval of the Minister revoke mineral titles;
  • Maintain a chronological record of all applications for mineral titles in the Priority Register and General Register and Maintain the Cadastral Registers;
  • Create and maintain a database of all mineral titles and applications;
  • Create and maintain a cartographic database of all mineral titles and applications both paper and electronic formats (the cadastral maps); and
  • Undertake such other activities reasonably necessary for carrying out its duties and responsibilities under the provisions of the NMMA, 2007.

Mining Cadastre Office

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