Exploration license

Exploration license


Sections 48, 59, and 62 of the Act, and Sections 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 of the Regulations provide that:

The MCO, on receipt of a valid application, is obliged to grant and issue an Exploration Licence within 30 days to the applicant.

b)   A Licence shall not be granted over any land that is subject of an existing Exploration Licence, Mining Lease, Small-Scale Mining Lease, Quarry Lease, Protected/Restricted area or areas closed to prospecting/mining activities (e.g., forest reserves, military areas, Government development areas, national heritage areas, towns, cities etc.


c)     The duration of an Exploration Licence is three (3) years, and renewable for a further period of two (2) terms of two years each, provided that the title holder has complied with the minimum work commitment/programme and all other legal requirements.

d)  The area of land covered by an Exploration Licence shall not exceed 200 km2 (1000 CUs). 


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